Rise Park Academies

Our vision and values permeate through the whole curriculum and can only be achieved through the children, staff, parents and governors demonstrating our core values of “Respect, Belief, Excellence”. 

At Rise Academies we:  

Value every member of our community  

Enhance and celebrate our similarities and differences  

Recognise our lifelong ability to learn and grow  

Rise to all inspiring opportunities

Welcome to Rise Park Academies. I have been a Headteacher for 7 years now and joined Rise Park Academies as Executive Headteacher in September 2024.  I was born and grew up in Havering and have had the privilege of working in education for over 25 years now. Rise park is the fifth school I have worked in and is my second headship. 

Rise Park Academies belongs to the pupils as without them there are no schools - therefore all decisions are based around their needs and are completely child centred. Our three key values of “Respect, Belief and Excellence” underpin all that we do and these values are part of our day-to-day school life. We constantly strive to deliver a world class education for our pupils and ensure that there is  ‘success for all’. 

Rise Park Academies is made up of a popular Nursery provision and a 3 form Infant and Junior School providing excellent education and opportunities for pupils aged 3 to 11 years old.  All parts of the academies work closely together and share systems, strategies, staff and expertise to make the pupil’s journey seamless as they transition through the school.

The school has had many recent additions within the last 10 years in the form of dedicated nursery provision and reception building. With the expansion to a 3 form entry school a new Y5/6 block was opened and a large Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA - all-weather sports pitch) for both schools. The schools also have a purpose-built heated outdoor swimming pool which enables us to offer swimming lessons to all of our children from Year 1-6 as a key life skill. The most recent addition to our facilities is a sensory pod and sensory garden where pupils can go to work for various reasons.

The Local Governing Committee, Senior Leadership Team, staff and pupils are very proud of our broad and varied provision, which is strongly supported by an active and successful PTFA, as well as a very close school community.

Our curriculum vision is based upon our seven “Learning Powers” of Respect, Inspiration, Self-Belief, Excellence, Passion, Achievement, Resilience and Knowledge. We have regular assemblies to demonstrate what these mean in everyday life and awards are linked to these powers to recognise the pupils’ efforts and achievements. The strong pastoral care and provision provides our pupils with the support that they need in order for them to flourish here at Rise park Academies and encompass the sense of community that lives within.

Our academies joined the Success For All Educational Trust in September 2021, which also includes Redden Court School, Royal Liberty School and Sanders School, all of which are very popular secondary schools in Havering. This professional relationship between both primary and secondary phases has already produced many significant benefits, including effective transitions to the next stage of our pupils’ education, exciting teaching and learning opportunities, greater opportunities for staff career development and the advantage of being able to apply economies of scale when resourcing our schools as members of a larger multi academy trust.

We welcome all parents, visitors and other agencies to work with us in partnership, as we continue to enhance and improve our educational offer to all of the pupils in our care.

If you require any further information about the school then please contact us and we look forward to working with you all in the future.

Hayley Durrant

Executive Headteacher

Rise Park Academies

Success For All Educational Trust

Message from the Head of School

Joining the teaching profession was always an ambition of mine from a very young age, I feel passionate about making a difference to the lives of young children and ensuring that all pupils are given every opportunity to succeed. From stepping into my very first classroom, to the privileged position of Head of School, each role I’ve held in education has helped shape me into the leader I am today.

Originally from Wales, my own experience of primary education was undoubtedly very different to most. My father was in the army, so we moved regularly in my early years, with many of them spent in Germany. As I moved between schools, it was necessary to adapt to the different curriculum challenges I faced. Sometimes I would start in a school and would be repeating work I had already completed, whilst at other times I would feel completely out of my depth, however these experiences taught me a lot about resilience and overcoming barriers and I try to ensure that these skills are taught explicitly as our children need these for their future success. 

I joined Rise Park Infant School in 2009 as a Reception class teacher and subsequently became Head of School. Prior to joining Rise Park, I was a member of the senior leadership team in a 3 form entry primary school leading early years and English. 

I am very proud of the ethos we have created at Rise Park Academies, we have developed strong relationships with parents and carers in order to achieve the very best for our children, and there is a real sense of community across our schools. I am committed to continuing to move our schools forward on their journey to excellence along with our dedicated staff and highly driven leadership team. Joining Success for All Educational Trust has further strengthened our schools and I am looking forward to the exciting opportunities which lay ahead.

Mrs K Palmer

Head of Infant School

Message from the Head of School

As a former pupil of Rise Park Schools, my career aspiration has always been to give back to the community that made such a positive difference to my education, which fundamentally inspired me to become a teacher.

After completing a three year BA Honours Degree in Education in 2008, I went on to teach, firstly at a school in Loughton, and then at a school in Basildon. Alongside this, I carried out consultancy work for Essex County Council supporting schools that required improvement, as well as taking on the role of a Key Stage 2 writing moderator within the borough for a number of years.

Throughout my career, I have taken on a wide range of roles and responsibilities including the leadership of English, Assessment and PE as well as mentoring and inducting new teachers to the profession and have taught the whole range of Key Stage 2 year groups.

I was fortunate to join the team at Rise Park Junior School in 2013, taking on my first role as a Deputy Headteacher, and then subsequently being promoted to Head of School in 2017. During this time, I further widened my skills and professional development in 2015, where I completed a First Class Masters Degree in Education. 

It has been a privilege to be a part of the Rise Park community, and I am so proud of the journey the school has made since the time I started. The children are a true asset to the school and our dedicated and hardworking team of staff are a pleasure to work with.

Miss C Street

Head of Junior School
